Ivan Puig |
The ciclo vital series provides a parallel between the process of natural life and the process of technology.
CastOven |
How does the product use our time? CastOven is a future microwave oven, which plays a You Tube movie clip to fit into your cooking time. The idea (?) and the video.
Gary Salter |
Gary Salter is a professional photographer based in London.
Neutra Face: An Ode On A Typeface |
An homage to the Neutra typeface inspired by the song Poker Face by Lady GaGa. Here.
Clients From Hell |
"You told us the sizes are in pixels. How large would be such a pixel in real measures?" "If I press the home button where will that take me?"
Clients From Hell: a collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers.
Marcel Köhler |
Photographer Marcel Köhler: official website and blog.
Rafaël Rozendaal |
Rafaël Rozendaal makes websites as art pieces, pieces are sold with domain name, work remains public, name of collector in title bar. (re-posted from who killed bambi?)
Basilio Silva |
Basilio Silva, photographer.
[Thanks Ashley] |
Da Vinci Alarm Clock |
If the user follows the directions given by the clock then they will be able to enjoy the benefits of a 21-hour day. Da Vinci Alarm Clock is a project by Marc Owens.