Kate MccGwire   
"I gather, collate, re-use, layer, peel, burn, reveal, locate, question, duplicate, play and photograph."
Kate MccGwire's work asks questions about the very nature of beauty.

"When naked bodies are finally ready to play, they come out of the screen as flesh and pixels entities. All we now have to do is invent new ways to hide those unchaste sights between third dimension, blur and pixelated sweat…"

Photographer Jean-Yves Lemoigne @ Amusement.

Facebook dress   
"Taking facebook back to the streets, you'll get all the “likes” and comments you crave for and some if walking down the sunny boulevard in this dress. More than a practical garment, this dress is a definite fashion statement."
A work by Romanian designer Lana Dumitru.
(via Lost At E Minor)

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